Schools are back in session and folks are finishing up the last of their vacations, which means I will get to spend more time at the cave. I have plenty of tried and true recipes to bake and quite a few new ones to try. Now if I could convince the weatherman that the temperature needs to drop a few more degrees I'd be in business.

 We had one day of rain on Monday, out of the last seventeen and my reserves are nearly depleted. As most folks that know me can attest, I like the rain. But it's looking like the upcoming Puyallup Fair is going to have plenty of sunshine to keep the fair crowds happy. Of course, the warm weather is counter productive for turning on an oven, so I'll continue perusing my newest cookie books and planning for cooler days.

I practiced a bit this morning. Turned on the oven at 330am while the cool air cycled through the cave keeping the temperature tolerable and made a few batches of what I refer to as 'the old standbys'. Chocolate chip (with a few Andes mints for a twist), Scutterbotch (commonly known as Butterscotch Oatmeal), and yellow sugar cookies. I would have made Snickerdoodles, but realized the baking supplies have dwindled due to my extended absences these past few months.

Nothing like opening the cupboards and realizing you're down to your last cup of flour, out of butter, chips, eggs, and a few spices. Time to make a shopping list of the basics and restock. I just wish the stores would have dedicated sale aisles for my baking needs like they have for school supplies. I know, give it another couple of months as Thanksgiving nears and the baking sales will begin in earnest. By that time I hope to be filling the first of my Christmas card list and that leads into the new year and all of those 'new resolutions'.

I'm thinking I should kick the procrastination bug in the seat of the pants and start on the resolutions early. No one said you had to wait until January 1 to start. And fall always seemed like a great time of year to start something new as the calendar winds down. After all, kids are getting back to the basics in school, and as the cooler season nears the oven will be heating up to keep the cave warm. What better time to share more recipes?

First though, I need a trip to the store to restock the pantry with the basics.

Welcome to the newest blog for all those book obssesed baker's out there.  I created this blog for Gina so that she can share her insights on her latest reads and best baking recipes.  Enjoy and please use the contact form to let us know what you think and what you would like to see.
